Leader's Blog

Leader's Blog

Next Week: No More Ransom Payments to Iran

The President seems to have no problem undermining American interests in pursuit of solidifying a terrible nuclear deal with an untrustworthy partner.

Leader's Blog


When we think back on 9/11, we know that America is strong, our values are worth fighting for, and we will never give in to fear or terror.

Leader's Blog

Stop the Special Interest Slush Fund

In the last two years alone, the DOJ has forced those who lost in court to “donate” $880 million to activists groups with special connections in government.

Leader's Blog

Coming this Fall: More Innovation for a Stronger America

We’ve already passed 24 Innovation Initiative bills in the House, and we have five more next week to accelerate private sector innovation and bring greater innovation into government.

Leader's Blog

Don’t Punish the Success of American Olympians

Don’t Punish the Success of American Olympians

Our already overzealous tax code should not punish our best athletes for representing our country and achieving international excellence.
