Press Releases

Hastings Marks 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid

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Fort Lauderdale, FL, July 30, 2015 | comments

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) made the following statement on the 50th anniversary of the signing of Medicare and Medicaid:

“When the Medicare and Medicaid programs were signed into law 50 years ago today, Americans were given a new safety-net for affordable health care.

“In the years since, Medicare and Medicaid have proven to be resounding stories of success. Today, 55 million Americans receive Medicare benefits and 69 million receive health care through Medicaid, including one in three children.

“As we mark this anniversary, I am reminded that Democratic efforts to expand and strengthen these programs have been consistently blocked by Republicans in Congress and by states across America. Nearly two dozen states have refused to expand the Medicaid program, leaving millions without coverage. It is outrageous that Florida has refused to expand Medicaid – leaving over 800,000 low-income Floridians without health care. 

“Over the past 50 years, few programs have changed the lives of so many Americans.  I remain committed to doing all that I can to further strengthen and protect Medicare and Medicaid.”

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings serves as Senior Member of the House Rules Committee, Ranking Democratic Member of the Helsinki Commission, and Democratic Chairman of the Florida Delegation.


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