U.S. Representative

Dennis A. Ross

Proudly Serving Florida's 15th Congressional District

Press Releases


Ross Votes to Rein In Out-of-Control Regulations

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Washington, January 5, 2017 | comments

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 5, 2017 – U.S. Rep. Dennis A. Ross (FL-15), Senior Deputy Majority Whip, made the following statement after voting to pass H.R. 26, the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which requires Congress to vote on any major rule or regulation coming from the executive branch that is estimated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to impact the economy by $100 million or more:

“I voted for the REINS Act today because we must put a stop to federal bureaucrats running wild. We need an additional check against the regulations they issue that impose the highest costs on struggling American families and small businesses. An avalanche of federal regulations is killing job opportunities, raising prices, and preventing small businesses from bringing new and exciting products to market, and we must put an immediate stop to them.

“Since 2009, the estimated cumulative costs of regulations have reached nearly $2 trillion. Federal regulations too often are ill-considered, needlessly costly, or simply unnecessary. In FY2015, regulators failed to analyze both the costs and benefits of most new major rules. The bottom line is that we must increase transparency in our federal government. The American people have a right to scrutinize and hold Congress accountable when laws are created and enacted. However, when federal regulations with huge economic impacts or negative consequences are issued, it is very difficult for Americans to hold accountable a nameless, faceless federal bureaucracy.

“This bill will require an up-or-down vote by Congress on major regulations, emphasizing that the legislative branch is in charge of writing laws, bringing transparency to our regulatory system, and ensuring citizens know who is responsible when burdensome regulations take effect.”

The REINS Act curbs unnecessary major regulations from unaccountable bureaucrats by:

·         Requiring agencies to submit major regulations to Congress for approval.

·         Guaranteeing no major regulation becomes effective until Congress approves it.

·         Guaranteeing fast up or down votes on major rules—Congress must act within 70 legislative days.

·         Guaranteeing there is an additional safeguard – through Americans’ elected representatives – against federal bureaucrats imposing the heaviest burdens on America’s economy.



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