
It’s Time to Unite and Get to Work

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Washington, November 11, 2016 | Beth Breeding (202-225-5431) | comments
The simplest way to make your voice heard is to show up at the ballot box. After all, the right to vote is critical in protecting all of our other rights. On Election Day, millions of voters came to the polls and put their support behind their candidates for the White House and Congress. The votes have been tallied, and Donald Trump is set to serve as the 45th President of the United States.

No one can deny that the 2016 election was one of the most interesting and contentious races our country has experienced to date. After this election, it would be easy to retreat to separate corners and allow the divide between friends, neighbors, and family members with different political beliefs and values to sharpen. However, that kind of division will do nothing to benefit our country. It is not what we need today.

If any lesson was to be learned from this election it is that the American people are tired of business as usual. They want to shake things up in Washington. Most importantly, you want action. With Republicans holding the White House and the majorities in both chambers of Congress, I am hopeful that we will now have an avenue to move bipartisan legislation that has been stalled over the past eight years.

It’s important that Congress and this new Administration hit the ground running. I look forward to working with President Trump to move forward the House’s Better Way agenda to address some of the biggest challenges facing our country. We must tackle issues like enforcing our immigration laws and reforming the broken tax system. Another priority will certainly be getting health care costs under control and increasing access to quality care by repealing Obamacare and replacing it with patient-centered health care solutions. Additionally, we need to bring common sense to the regulatory system and ensure that we have smart federal regulations, not ones that bury America’s businesses in red tape.

I am honored to serve the Sixth Congressional District, and I have full faith in the American people and our Constitution. As the last months of the Obama Administration wind down, my prayers for wisdom and guidance are with President-elect Trump as he prepares to take office. Regardless of which candidate you supported, the most important thing we can do is to come together and rally around the freedoms with which we are blessed. Let’s unite and get to work. I'm ready to do just that.
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