Rep Robert Pittenger


Official Twitter of U.S. Congressman Robert Pittenger, proudly serving North Carolina's 9th District.

Joined November 2012

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  1. Are we in danger of a Trojan Horse? Read my column via :

  2. . posted my column, “Are we looking at a Trojan Horse?” Read more:

  3. Congress must take action to address the emerging national security threat from China. More via :

  4. China brought this level of scrutiny upon itself. China is the number 1 state sponsor of cyber-espionage and corporate “info property” theft

  5. …procedures, or authorities are necessary to allow CFIUS to adequately address these challenges. (2/2)

  6. In September, I led a bipartisan effort requesting a formal review of CFIUS, to determine what additional laws, (1/2)

  7. . editorial board warned about the dangers of allowing a country with no freedom of speech control over media here in the US.

  8. China’s communist government owns more than 25 percent of Lenovo.

  9. Recently, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff warned against using Lenovo computers on Def Dept networks, citing cyber-espionage concerns.

  10. China is simultaneously a major trade partner and an aggressive Communist nation opposed to democracy and basic human rights.

  11. In 1971 I served as ’s caddie during the Pro-Am of the Byron Nelson Classic.

  12. During the 1970s, I worked with and his team while serving as Assistant to Dr. Bill Bright, then-president of

  13. . is a great man because he faithfully carried out the mission assigned to him by God. Happy Birthday, Dr. Graham!

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