Press Releases

January 2017

Date Title
1/11/17 McConnell on Obamacare: We Must Act Quickly to Bring Relief to the American People
1/10/17 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Circuit Judge Danny Boggs
1/10/17 McConnell: Jeff Sessions ‘Believes Strongly in the Rule of Law’
1/10/17 Obamacare Repeal Means Relief for Kentucky
1/7/17 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Right-to-Work Passage By Kentucky General Assembly
1/6/17 U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s eNewsletter - - Week of January 1, 2017
1/5/17 Obamacare Has Failed the American People
1/5/17 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Rep. Ryan Zinke
1/4/17 The Horizon of a New Era
1/3/17 Senate Republican Committee Assignments For The 115th Congress
1/3/17 Majority Leader McConnell Welcomes 115th Congress

December 2016

Date Title
12/19/16 Obama Regulation Set to Hurt Coal Country
12/14/16 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Governor Rick Perry
12/13/16 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Rex Tillerson
12/9/16 A Productive 114th Congress
12/9/16 Senate Passes Bill that Strengthens Kentucky’s Water Infrastructure
12/9/16 McConnell: Senate Must Act Now to Protect Health Care Benefits for Miner Retirees
12/8/16 McConnell Remembers John Glenn
12/8/16 Majority Leader McConnell on the Retirement of Harry Reid
12/8/16 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Scott Pruitt
12/7/16 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
12/7/16 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on General James Mattis
12/7/16 Majority Leader McConnell Pays Tribute to Vice President Biden
12/7/16 McConnell-Led Senate Sends Critical Medical Research & Innovation Legislation to the President’s Desk
12/6/16 Majority Leader McConnell’s Statement on Wilbur Ross