
January 2017
Date Title
1/11/17 Corker: “The World's at Its Best When America Leads”
1/11/17 Corker Announces Support for Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
1/9/17 Senators Introduce Amendment to Improve Process for Repealing and Replacing Health Care Law in Timely Fashion
1/9/17 Tennessee Members of 115th Congress Introduce Bill to Name the New Nashville Federal Courthouse in Honor of U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson
1/3/17 Corker Announces 115th Congress Committee Assignments
December 2016
Date Title
12/22/16 Corker Statement on Confirmation Process for Rex Tillerson
12/21/16 What They're Saying: End Modern Slavery Initiative Awaits President’s Signature
12/16/16 Corker Statement on Deputy Secretary of State
12/14/16 Corker Applauds Wacker Expansion Announcement
12/13/16 Corker Statement on Nomination of Rex Tillerson
12/13/16 Corker: Religious Freedom Bill to Become Law
12/10/16 Corker: Congress Sends President First State Department Authorization in 14 Years
12/10/16 Corker: Water Bill Strengthens Tennessee Infrastructure and Commerce
12/10/16 Tennessee Members of Congress Urge President to Approve Federal Disaster Assistance for Five Tennessee Counties Affected by Wildfires, Severe Weather
12/9/16 Corker Reiterates Strong Opposition to Arms Trade Treaty
12/9/16 Corker Votes Against Continuing Resolution Spending Bill
12/8/16 Corker: Bill to Launch End Modern Slavery Initiative to Become Law
12/7/16 Corker Applauds Passage of 21st Century Cures Act
12/7/16 Tennessee Delegation Requests Medicare Enrollment Extension for Victims of East Tennessee Wildfires
12/6/16 Corker Statement on Committee Approval of Montenegro’s Bid for NATO Membership
12/6/16 Corker Praises Committee Passage of Religious Freedom Bill
12/1/16 Corker Delivers Floor Remarks on Recent East Tennessee Tragedies
12/1/16 Corker Statement on Extension of Iran Sanctions Act
November 2016
Date Title
11/29/16 Corker Statement on Fires in Sevier County
11/26/16 Corker Statement on the Death of Fidel Castro