Press Releases

Carter Reintroduces Legislation to Ensure Government Transparency and Accountability

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Washington, January 3, 2017 | comments
Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) reintroduced legislation today to provide transparency and accountability in the federal government. Carter's legislation ensures the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the congressional watchdog, is able to obtain the records it needs to audit, evaluate, and investigate federal agencies. Additionally, if an agency does not cooperate with GAO, the legislation allows GAO to use civil actions to require an agency to produce the necessary documents or records.

"I reintroduced this legislation in the new Congress because it is critical to the fight to protect taxpayer dollars and ensure the federal government is transparent and accountable," said Carter. "GAO is one of the most important tools used in this fight and the agency must have access to federal agency records to fully audit government programs. Unfortunately, even though GAO has the statutory right to inspect agency records, some federal agencies fail to cooperate and block the GAO from doing its job for Congress and the American people. My legislation ensures federal agencies cooperate with GAO so they are able to access what is necessary to conduct their investigations."

The House overwhelmingly passed identical legislation introduced by Carter in the 114th Congress.
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