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Card Check: Signature Job Killing Agenda Item

As congressional Democrats trip over themselves to find new and innovative ways to entrench more power in Washington, Americans are reminded of those big government agenda items that are already proving hazardous to the economy. At the top of the list, the mere threat of the grossly misnamed Employee Free Choice Act is already stifling job creation even though Speaker Pelosi and her union allies have not yet found a way to turn that bad dream into a reality. 

“If Democrats really want to create jobs and save themselves from a debacle in 2010, their best policy option is to stop creating so much investment uncertainty and additional barriers to business hiring.

“Stop trying to raise business costs by making it easier to unionize via ‘card check.’ Stop trying to raise energy costs with a cap-and-tax bill. Stop adding to the deficit and future tax burden with a 12% increase in domestic spending for 2010.  

“Above all, stop trying to ram through Congress on a partisan vote a health-care bill that imposes a 5.4-percentage-point income tax ‘surcharge’ on anyone making more than $500,000 a year. The Joint Tax Committee reports that one-third of this $460.5 billion tax increase will be paid by small business job creators who file their taxes under the individual income tax code. Amid a 10.2% jobless rate, the highest in 26 years, this tax increase is the definition of insanity.

“The sooner Democrats stop what they're doing, the faster the private job market will recover on its own.”

Editorial, “Washington and the Jobs Market,” Wall Street Journal, 11.07.09

While most Americans and some in Washington are opposed to the big government job-killing agenda, it is clear that their voices are being ignored. Uncertainty in the economy – driven by threats to freedom and prosperity like card check, cap-and-tax, and a government takeover of the American health care system – continues to keep businesses on the sidelines unsure of how the rules will change next. As long as our nation’s job creators are hesitant to get back in the game, more Americans will continue to lose.
