Recent Press Releases

Start Over and Get it Right

December 10, 2009

‘The majority leader said we’d be working every weekend. We take him at his word. We expect to be here this weekend — and we look forward to it. Republicans are convinced there’s nothing more important we could do than to stop this bill and start over with the kind of step-by-step reforms Americans really want’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Thursday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care reform:

“The American people have seen what Democrats in Congress plan to do with seniors’ health care. They’ve looked on in disbelief as almost every Democrat in the Senate voted again and again to slash Medicare.

“Now they’re watching in disbelief as Democrats float the idea of herding millions more into this near-bankrupt program as part of a backroom deal to force their plan for health care on the American people by Christmas.

“Every day it seems we hear new revelations about the secret conference room deliberations where Democrats are frantically working to get their sixty votes by Christmas. And every day we hear about some new idea they’ve come up with for creating a government plan by another name.

“This week’s version would have the Office of Personnel Management running the program — an idea that was shot down almost as soon as it was announced by a former OPM director, who said it couldn’t be done. "I flat out think that OPM doesn't have the capacity to do this type of role.”

“This is precisely the kind of approach Americans are tired of in Washington — and this is precisely the kind of health care plan Americans didn’t want.

“Seniors thought they could expect lower costs. What they’re getting instead is an assault on their Medicare. Small business owners thought they could expect lower costs. What they’re getting instead are higher taxes, stiff fines and costly mandates. Working Americans thought they’d get more efficiency, less fraud, cheaper rates. What they’re getting instead are new bureaucracies and higher costs.

“Business leaders from across the country enthusiastically support the idea of health care reform. They know better than anyone that costs are out of control and that something needs to be done. But they’ve read the bill Democrats in Congress have come up with. They’re telling us this isn’t it.

“Not only won’t this bill solve the problem, they say. It makes existing problems worse.

“The Vice President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was here yesterday. He said there’s a desperate need for reform — reform that bends the cost curve down. He said that unfortunately this bill fails the test.

“He said this bill will only lead businesses to lower wages, decrease working hours, reduce hiring, and cut jobs. He said it adds to the deficit. It adds to the debt. It includes massive new spending programs and entitlements, and incredibly, as I’ve noted, it also borrows from existing entitlement programs.

“Businesses look at this bill and they see:

* Half a trillion dollars in new taxes

* As many as 10 million employees at risk of losing their coverage

* Crushing new mandate

“This is not reform.

“This bill doesn’t solve our problems — it spreads them.

“That’s why seniors don’t like this bill. That’s why job creators don’t like this bill. And that’s why public opinion has dramatically shifted against this bill.

“Americans want reform. But this is not the one they asked for. This bill is fundamentally flawed, and it can’t be fixed.

“Americans want us to stop. They want us to start over and get it right.

“Democrats should stop talking at the American people and start listening to them.

“Republicans are prepared to provide a platform for that debate for as long as it takes.

“The majority leader said we’d be working every weekend. We take him at his word. We expect to be here this weekend — and we look forward to it.

“Republicans are convinced there’s nothing more important we could do than to stop this bill and start over with the kind of step-by-step reforms Americans really want.

“We have amendments. We want votes. We’ve been waiting since Tuesday to have more votes. We’re eager to continue this debate.”

‘At a time of 10% unemployment, we should be doing everything we can to create jobs. This bill would only lead to more lost jobs. Medicare cuts are bad enough. But this bill doesn’t just hurt seniors. It hurts the economy too. That’s why Americans overwhelmingly oppose it’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks (as prepared) on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care reform:

“The American people have now seen what Democrats in Congress plan to do with seniors’ health care.

“They’ve looked on in total disbelief as the Majority voted again and again to slash Medicare by nearly half a trillion dollars.

“Incredibly, these cuts represent just part of the pain caused by this bill.

“In addition to punishing seniors, it would punish businesses.

“At a time when one out of 10 working Americans is looking for a job, this bill would hit employers with job-killing new taxes and mandates.

“And it wouldn’t do anything to lower long-term health care costs.

“This is the last thing business owners expected from this bill; it’s the last thing America needs in the midst of a recession; and it’s just one of the reasons more and more business groups are stepping forward and speaking out against this job-killing bill.

“Yesterday, I mentioned a letter signed by 10 major trade groups pleading with us not to approve this bill because of the effect it would have on business.

“Later in the day, the National Federation of Independent Business, one of the leaders in the small business community, released a letter explaining why they opposed the bill.

“They said any health care reform faces two tests for small businesses: Does it lower insurance costs? And will it increase the overall cost of doing business?

“According to them, the Senate bill fails both these tests and therefore fails small business.

“They’ve seen the CBO conclude this bill would lead to higher premiums, they’ve seen the billions of new taxes that would fall unfairly on small businesses, and they’ve seen the mandates and fines that would kill jobs.

“And they’ve concluded that this bill would actually be worse for small businesses than the current situation.

“It’s abundantly clear that the more Americans learn about this bill, the more they oppose it. And now we know the same goes for businesses.

“Businesses that can’t insure workers face stiff fines, resulting in lost wages and jobs, according to the independent Congressional Budget Office.

“What’s more, studies suggest that this so-called employer mandate would have a disproportionate impact on low-income, entry-level workers.

“At a time of 10% unemployment, we should be doing everything we can to create jobs. This bill would only lead to more lost jobs.

“Medicare cuts are bad enough. But this bill doesn’t just hurt seniors. It hurts the economy too. That’s why Americans overwhelmingly oppose it.

“We see the signs of opposition everywhere:

“Public opinion is overwhelming.

“Last month’s gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia were a stinging rebuke to the Democrat approach of more spending, more debt, higher taxes, and endless bureaucracy.

“And just last night we saw it again in my own state, where a Republican won Kentucky’s 14th District by a landslide.

“His message was as simple as it was resonant: Don’t let Washington take over our health care.

“This health care bill is a losing formula all around.

“That’s the message Americans are sending loud and clear. The signs are everywhere to see.

“Stop this bill. Start over.”

‘So what’s becoming abundantly clear is that the Majority will make any deal, agree to any terms, sign any dotted line that brings them closer to final passage of this terrible bill. They are, for lack of a better term, winging it on one of the most consequential pieces of domestic legislation in memory’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care reform:

“Over the past several days, Americans have seen in vivid detail what supporters of this bill plan to do to the Medicare health care program for seniors. They plan to use it as a giant piggy bank to pay for an entirely new government program. And yesterday we heard floated, for the very first time, that they want to radically expand Medicare.

“So what’s becoming abundantly clear is that the Majority will make any deal, agree to any terms, sign any dotted line that brings them closer to final passage of this terrible bill.

“They entertain adding new experiments without any assessment of the impact this backroom deal making will have on the American people or our economy. They are, for lack of a better term, winging it on one of the most consequential pieces of domestic legislation in memory.

“Well, let me suggest to the Majority, Americans would much rather we get it right than scurry around throwing together untested, last-minute experiments in order to get 60 votes by Christmas.

“Over the past several days, our friends on the other side repeatedly voted to preserve nearly half a trillion dollars in Medicare cuts to finance their vision of reform — a vision that includes cutting nearly $8 billion from hospice care … $40 billion in cuts to home health agencies … $120 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage … $135 billion in cuts to hospitals that serve Medicare patients … and nearly $15 billion in cuts to nursing homes.

“What these cuts really illustrate is a lack of vision. Because cutting one troubled government program in order to create another is a mistake. I’ll say it again: half a trillion dollars in cuts to Medicare for seniors is not reform.

“But Medicare cuts are just one leg of the stool holding up this misguided vision of reform. Let’s take a look at another; let’s look at how this bill punishes not only seniors, but how it kills jobs at a time when one in ten working Americans is looking for one. This bill doesn’t just punish seniors, it punishes job creators too.

“That’s the message we got yesterday from small businesses across the country. They sent us a letter opposing this bill because it doesn’t do the things proponents of this bill promised it would. It doesn’t lower costs. It doesn’t help create jobs, and it doesn’t help the economy.

“Here are just some of the groups that signed this letter:

• Associated Builders and Contractors

• Associated General Contractors

• International Foodservice Distributors Association

• National Association of Manufacturers

• National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors

• National Retail Federation

• Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

• U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“And here’s what these groups had to say about this bill. I’m reading now from their letter, dated December 7, 2009, a letter that was addressed to every member of the Senate:

‘In order to finance part of its $2.5 trillion price tag, HR 3590 imposes new taxes, fees and penalties totaling nearly half a trillion dollars. This financial burden falls disproportionately on the backs of small business. Small firms are in desperate need of this precious capital for job creation, investment, business expansion and survival.’

“The letter goes on to detail all the ways in which this bill punishes small businesses — thus making it harder for them to retain or hire workers.

“These groups point out that:

• Under this bill, small businesses in the U.S. would see major cost increases as a result of new taxes on health benefits and health insurance — costs that will be passed onto employees and which would make health insurance more expensive, not less.

• Under this bill, self-employed business owners who buy coverage for themselves could see a double-digit jump in their insurance premiums

• For other small businesses, the bill won’t lead to a significant decrease in costs — something they were promised as a result of this bill

• Under this bill, jobs would be lost and wages depressed as a result of a new law that would require businesses either to buy insurance for their employees or pay a fine

“Needless to say, this is not the kind of legislation the American worker needs or wants at a moment of double digit unemployment. And perhaps that’s the reason that poll after poll after public opinion poll shows that the American worker opposes this bill.

“Some business groups may have supported this plan earlier in the year because they thought it was inevitable. They didn’t want to be critical of a bill they thought they had no power to stop. But something happened between then and now. The American people realized what this bill meant for them. They realized what it would mean for seniors, for business owners, for the economy, for our future as a country.

“Americans stood up. They made their voices heard. And now the tide has turned. The American people oppose this bill. They want us to start over. They want us to make common sense, step by step reforms that everyone can support — not some backroom deal to have the government take over the health care system that’s then forced on the American people without discussion.

“Our friends on the other side can read the writing on the wall. They know Americans oppose this bill. But they’ve apparently made a calculation to force it through Congress over the next several days before the American people even have a chance to absorb the details.

“The only thing that can stop them is the realization by Democrats themselves that this plan would be a tragic mistake for seniors, for the economy, and for our country — and that a better path would be the kind of step-by-step reforms that Americans have been asking us for; reforms Americans really want. Americans don’t think reform should come at the expense of seniors. And they don’t think it should come at the expense of jobs. They don’t think it should make current problems worse.”
