Recent Press Releases

‘For nearly three years, President Obama has demanded that we pass massive legislation he knows Republicans have problems with. What we’re saying is, let’s start with things that have bipartisan support, that we know can pass, instead. Since Republicans control the House and Democrats control the Senate we’re not likely to agree on the big, partisan stuff. But there are a lot of other job-creating measures we can agree on. Let’s focus on them. Let’s work together on the things we can all agree on, just like we did last month on trade agreements.’
‘The rest of the American people can decide which approach they prefer: our proposal, which doesn’t add to the deficit, doesn’t raise taxes, empowers the states to make decisions on the local level, and is designed to gain bipartisan support. Or the Democrat’s top-down approach, which perpetuates uncertainty, raises taxes on businesses at a time when we should be giving them more reasons to hire not less, and which was designed in coordination with the White House political team to fail. These are the two approaches on display in the Senate today. The choice should be obvious.’