Recent Press Releases

Honoring Our Veterans

November 10, 2011

‘On Veterans Day, we pay tribute to everyone who ever bore arms in service of this Nation. We can express our thanks and our gratitude to those who are still with us. And we must honor in our memories those who did not return home’
‘You don’t hear a lot about Republicans and Democrats agreeing on legislation these days. But here’s some we do agree on. So I say let’s take these up, pass them, and send them to the President for a signature. The Obama administration has already said it supports these ideas. One hundred sixty-nine Democrats in the House voted for one of these bills last week, and 175 voted for the other. And Republicans support both overwhelmingly too. So let’s do it. Let’s build on the momentum we’ll have today after passing the 3% withholding and the Veterans bill. And let’s show the American people we’ve discovered and embraced a formula for success around here.’
‘The Internet has transformed society — precisely because people have been able to create and innovate, largely free from government intrusion. Businesses are free to invest and grow on the Internet, safe in the knowledge that consumers and technology will determine their fate, not the whims of Washington regulators.’