Recent Press Releases

‘This bill is exactly the kind of thing Americans have been asking for — greater freedom and flexibility. And that’s one of the reasons it’s had such overwhelming bipartisan support. At a moment when millions are looking for work and Democrats say they want more bipartisan action on jobs, this is it. This is a layup. Let’s get it done.’
‘Now we read that they’re trying to figure out ways to make this overwhelmingly bipartisan bill controversial. They want to pick a fight, rather than get this bill to the President’s desk. And then they’re going to use the same strategy on a number of other bills.
Their plan isn’t to work together to make it easier create jobs, but to look for ways to make it easier to keep their own.’
‘As I suggested yesterday, we could get to the bi-partisan JOBS Act this week and process some judicial nominees. The JOBS Act passed the House by a vote of 390 to 23, and the President says he supports it. While we’re working on a bill to help get people back to work, we can make progress on other judicial nominations. So I encourage the Majority to work with us on both legislation and nominations, not to go off on a partisan, and unprecedented, path that won’t get us anywhere, and won’t solve the problems Americans care about.’