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Opinion Pieces

In The Face of Adversity, We Remain #BuckeyeStrong

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Washington, December 9, 2016 | comments
At 9:56 a.m. on Monday, November 28, The Ohio State University (OSU) Emergency Management and Fire Prevention Twitter Account sent an alert they hoped they would never need to use: “Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College.”
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At 9:56 a.m. on Monday, November 28, The Ohio State University (OSU) Emergency Management and Fire Prevention Twitter Account sent an alert they hoped they would never need to use: “Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College.”

In the minutes and hours that followed, a flurry of conflicting information and rumors spread around Ohio and the nation as we began to piece together what had happened on Ohio State’s campus. Law enforcement worked to clear the area throughout the morning and afternoon, before lifting the shelter in place. 

It was later revealed that Ohio State student Abdul Razak Ali Artan jumped the curb with his car, striking students and faculty, and then pulled a knife and began attacking everyone in his path.  Thankfully, OSU Police Officer Alan Horujko was nearby and immediately took action to bring down Artan in under a minute.

It is through situations such as this that the bravery of our law enforcement officers is truly demonstrated. Officer Horujko – who is 28-years-old and has been with the department for less than 2 years – took quick action to keep a dangerous and tragic situation from becoming even worse. I am incredibly thankful for Officer Horujko’s heroic actions saving the lives of students and faculty in the area, and for all of the first responders who were on the scene.

The investigation into the attack is ongoing, but recent reports have indicated that the attack was ISIS-inspired terrorism. This only further reinforces the idea that we must establish a comprehensive strategy to not only contain, but defeat ISIS and any terrorist organization that threatens the safety of our country. As we move into a new Congress and new administration, I will continue advocating for a strategy to engage nations around the world to build a coalition and combat ISIS.

Now, as our community heals from this horrific incident, it is important that we unite together and support one another. As a graduate of The Ohio State University, I know firsthand that the resilience of the students and faculty are second to none. In the face of this adversity, I join with them in remaining #BuckeyeStrong.

It is my honor to serve you in Congress, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate contact me at my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-2015, Hilliard office at (614) 771-4968, Lancaster office at (740) 654-2654 or Wilmington office at (937) 283-7049.


Steve Stivers received both his bachelor’s degree and his MBA from The Ohio State University, and is a Member of Congress from Ohio’s 15th Congressional District.

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