
Full Committee – Public Hearing: Foreign Subsidies

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0 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 @ 10:00 | comments
Oct 21, 2015 10:00am

1300 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C.
Full Committee – Public Hearing
RE: Foreign Subsidies: Jeopardizing Free Trade and Harming American Farmers
Upon announcing the hearing, Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway issued the following statement:

“While the United States abides by our WTO commitments on farm policy spending, experts testified before the committee on June 3 that the largest and most advanced emerging economies are subsidizing their producers at levels that grossly violate the commitments they have made. Wednesday's hearing will further explore the trade-distorting tools these countries are using and the detrimental impact it is having on our nation's agricultural producers. For example, we will hear how China's intervention in the cotton market has led to massive overproduction with record stockpiles that are decimating world cotton prices and harming U.S cotton farmers. The hearing will also feature a new report on wheat that shows how the trade-distorting policies of four emerging economies alone are causing almost $1 billion per year in harm to American farmers.”

Panel I
Dr. Dermot Hayes, Professor and Pioneer Chair in Agribusiness, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Dr. Gary Adams, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Cotton Council, Cordova, TN

Mr. Jack Roney, Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, American Sugar Alliance, Arlington, VA

Mr. Jaime Castaneda, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives & Trade Policy, National Milk Producers Federation, Arlington, VA

Related News
Chairman Conaway's opening statement
Press Release

Watch Archived Video

Hearing Transcript
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