Business Meeting

Business Meeting to Consider H.R. 4645, the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act and Other Business

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Washington, DC, 0 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 02:00 | comments

On June 30, 2010, the House Agriculture Committee passed legislation to expand U.S. agriculture trade and increase jobs, approving historic legislation that will greatly expand trade of U.S. agriculture products to Cuba. H.R. 4645, the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act, is a bipartisan bill introduced by Chairman Peterson and co-sponsored by 62 Members of Congress, including Representatives Jerry Moran of Kansas. The bill passed the Committee by a vote of 25-20.


H.R.4645 - Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., (introduced 2/23/2010)

H.R.2476 - Rep Diana DeGette, D-Colo., (introduced 5/19/2009)

H.R.4658 - Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., R-Tenn., (introduced 2/23/2010

H.R.5414 - Rep. Henry E. Brown Jr., R-S.C., (introduced 5/26/2010)

Bill Text

To remove obstacles to legal sales of United States agricultural commodities to Cuba and to end travel restrictions on all Americans to Cuba. Passed Committee by a roll call vote of 25 to 20 and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, June 30, 2010.

To amend the National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 to clarify the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture regarding additional recreational uses of National Forest System land that are subject to ski area permits, and for other purposes.

To authorize the conveyance of a small parcel of National Forest System land in the Cherokee National Forest and to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to use the proceeds from that conveyance to acquire a parcel of land for inclusion in that national forest, and for other purposes.

Passed Committee by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, June 30, 2010.

Approved Amendments

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H.R. 2476), Considered and passed by the House Agriculture Committee as amended by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, June 30, 2010

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (H.R. 4658), Considered and passed by the House Agriculture Committee as amended by voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass, June 30, 2010

Roll Call Votes

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Rooney/Baca amendment, Roll Call # 1

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Conaway #1 amendment, Roll Call # 2

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Conaway #2 amendment, Roll Call # 3

Holden motion to table the appeal to the point of order on the Lucas amendment, Roll Call # 4

Costa motion to table the Goodlatte motion to report the bill without recommendation, Roll Call # 5

Goodlatte motion to report H.R. 4645 to the House without recommendation, Roll Call # 6

Holden motion to report H.R. 4645 favorably to the House, Roll Call # 7

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