Business Meeting

Business Meeting to Consider H.R. 5509, the Chesapeake Bay Program Reauthorization and Improvement Act and Other Business

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Washington, DC, 0 Wednesday, July 28, 2010 @ 02:00 | comments

 - On July 28, 2010, the House Agriculture Committee approved three bills for consideration by the U.S. House of Representatives. H.R. 5509, the Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Improvement Act, is a bipartisan bill that will give farmers and ranchers in the Chesapeake Bay region additional tools to help them meet regulatory requirements imposed on them by the Environmental Protection Agency. Congressmen Tim Holden, D-Penn., and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research, introducedthe bill, which has the support of a wide range of agriculture organizations. The bill passed the Committee by ­­­­­­a voice vote.

H.R.5509 - Rep. Tim Holden, D-PA., (introduced 6/10/2010)

Bill Text


To support efforts to reduce pollution of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and to verify that reductions in pollution have been achieved, and for other purposes. Considered and passed by the House Agriculture Committee, as amended by, voice vote and ordered to be reported favorably to the House with the recommendation that it pass on July 28, 2010.


Adopted amendments (all adopted by voice vote):

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute, offered by Mr. Peterson of Minnesota, adopted.

Manager's amendment (Chairman Peterson)

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