Press Releases

Congresswoman Roybal-Allard's Statement on the Final Debt Deal

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Washington, August 1, 2011 | Helen Machado (202 225-1766) | comments
“I voted “No” on the Budget Control Act, a bill that was forced on this Congress by the extreme right of the Republican Party, because it is a bad and unbalanced bill with potentially dire consequences for my constituents and the American people.

 This so called “compromise” is a lopsided bill which focuses only on spending cuts and does not include one dollar of the increased revenue needed to successfully address  our nation’s looming deficit.  

The Budget Control Act saddles low income and middle class working Americans with the burden of deficit reduction while asking nothing of billion dollar corporations and the wealthiest of Americans.  And it does nothing to create jobs.

The best way to reduce the deficit is to put Americans back to work, and that should be our top priority. In fact, many economists believe the current deal may actually result in job losses as federal government spending is reduced.  As the next phase of this deficit reduction plan moves forward, I will stand with my Democratic colleagues to fight to protect the programs that give Americans opportunity and hope for a better quality of life and to focus on ways to stimulate new job opportunities to get our country back to work and our economy booming once again.”

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Tags: Budget