

Medium: The Current Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act is Dangerous for America

by Senator David Perdue

The Current Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act is Dangerous for America Supporters of the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act refer to it as a "criminal justice reform bill." But, in light of the cuts it makes to minimum sentences and the thousands of violent felons it will make eligible for early release, it's more accurate to call it a "criminal leniency bill." Several of my colleagues?-?including Senator Tom Cotton, Senator Orrin Hatch, and Sen. Jeff Sessions?-?and I explain why this bi… Continue Reading


Real Clear Defense: Swift Action Needed To Recapitalize Vital Fleet

by Senators David Perdue and Johnny Isakson

Operating out of a single base in Georgia is a small fleet of 16 aircraft that plays a vital role in supporting our country's national security objectives. This fleet, the E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS), has flown over 125,000 combat hours in support of U.S. joint forces deployed in five different geographical combatant command areas of responsibility. But, the future of JSTARS depends on the Pentagon's willingness to fully support the fleet's recapitalization. Origi… Continue Reading


Daily Signal: Important Lessons One Senator Has Learned After First Year in Congress

by Senator David Perdue

Almost a year ago, I stood next to my wife Bonnie, put my hand on my Father's Bible, and swore to uphold the Constitution and represent the people of Georgia in the United States Senate. This is a role I never imagined, but one I take very seriously. To emphasize the magnitude of this responsibility, I held my first staff meeting at the National Archives-home of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. We reflected deeply on the role of our feder… Continue Reading


U.S. News and World Report: What You Don't Know About Black Friday

by Senator David Perdue

This Friday, before the sun is up, millions of Americans will have swiped their debit and credit cards to capitalize on Black Friday "doorbuster" deals. These consumers know when and where to shop, but do they know what happens to their personal information each time they make a purchase? Most Americans will be shocked to learn that their holiday spending habits are being collected and analyzed by a government agency called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Every month, the CFPB collect… Continue Reading


Gainesville Times: Efforts to stop avian influenza are vital to state's poultry industry

by Senator David Perdue

It is fitting that the "Eat Mor Chikin" slogan was developed by Georgia's chicken sandwich giant. Poultry production pumps more than $28 billion dollars into our state's economy annually, making Georgia the top broiler-producing state in the country. In fact, if the Peach State were a country, it would rank seventh in broiler production only behind the United States, China, Brazil, India, Russia and Mexico. There is no denying the important role the poultry industry plays in our state's econom… Continue Reading


The Hill: National debt solutions noticeably absent from debates

by Senator David Perdue and Maya MacGuineas

As recently as 2007, our gross federal debt was 63 percent of the economy but has risen to over 100 percent this year and is projected to continue to exceed the size of our entire economy for some time if we don't act. By the end of President Obama's tenure in office, the United States will have added over $9 trillion to the national debt. It will require leadership to change course, and the current presidential campaign is an ideal forum to discuss this dangerous trend and to propose serious so… Continue Reading


CNBC: The first step to fix the US debt crisis

by Senator David Perdue

Imagine if you received a credit-card bill, through your own irresponsible spending habits, for over $1 million. Well that is exactly what's happening due to our current fiscal crisis in America. Through a lack of discipline and mismanagement, the federal government is essentially handing every household a million-dollar bill. What would be the best way to escape this self-inflicted situation? The answer does not involve a quick fix; it must be a long-term solution. The first step requires a ch… Continue Reading


Macon Telegraph: Why I’m voting against Obama’s nuclear Iran deal

by Senator David Perdue

In the coming days, the Senate will consider President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran. I will vote against this dangerous agreement. History provides a recent example of how a bad deal can lead to dangerous consequences. In 1994, then President Bill Clinton made similar lofty promises about his Agreed Framework with North Korea, saying, "This agreement will help to achieve a long-standing and vital American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula." Just … Continue Reading


Fox News: President Obama, we cannot trust Iran

by Senator David Perdue

Last week, President Obama sent Secretary Kerry to assure Americans that his Iran nuclear deal is a good one. Kerry went so far as to say, "The Iran agreement is based on proof, not trust. Mr. President, this deal is clearly based on trust, not proof. And we have no reason to trust Tehran. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I've read every line of this 159-page agreement multiple times. I have heard from dozens of officials and outside experts, including the Director of the… Continue Reading


Savannah Morning News: U.S. Senator David Perdue: Smarter steps to strengthen our national security

by U.S. Senator David Perdue

We live in an increasingly dangerous world. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I get daily updates on what I believe is an emerging global security crisis. We have witnessed the brutal rise of ISIS, which is still taking advantage of power vacuums in the Middle East and North Africa. The threat of a nuclear Iran is further disrupting the region, while the Iranian regime is funding terrorism and the Assad regime in Syria. Meanwhile, traditional powers are aggressively postu… Continue Reading


AJC: National Debt and the FairTax

by David Perdue

Moderated by Rick Badie Republicans and Democrats must rein in a growing national debt, writes Georgia's junior senator. It's an issue that's reached a "tipping point" in need of fixes, he says, proposing the FairTax as an option that he writes would allow the economy to create jobs and thrive. Two companion essays deal with federal fiscal spending in 2016 and tax provisions on timber, a vital economic sector for the state. Consider the FairTax now By David Perdue Georgians sent me to Washin… Continue Reading

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