Visiting DC

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Tour Request Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

The following information will help you better plan an upcoming trip to the Washington, DC area. There are many things to do and see in Washington. I hope the following list of tour sites and resources will be helpful as you plan your visit. Some tours require no reservations; others require reservations well in advance of the tour date. My office can assist in scheduling these tours for you. Please fill out the Tour Request Form or call us at (202) 224-6441 and let me know what we can do for you.  

You may also email my office at:

Must be in the format mm/dd/yy
Must be in the format mm/dd/yy

Capitol Tours

Monday - Friday

*Groups of 50 or more will have a tour arranged for them through the Capitol Guide Service.
Capitol Tour? *

White House Tours

Tuesday - Saturday morning only

*At least 31 days advance notice is required for White House tour requests.
*Requests may be submitted up to 6 months in advance.
*Due to the high volume of requests, the White House is often full several months in advance. Tour times are selected by the White House. You will be required to provide additional personal information that will be used in the White House security screening process. A representative from my office will contact you with additional details.
White House Tour? *
PLEASE NOTE: Additional tours may be available during your visit. Don't hesitate to ask a representative of my office for additional details.