Student Center

One of the greatest joys that I have as a Member of Congress is working with students and teachers. The information provided on this page is intended to assist students, teachers, and parents in learning about the many facets of the United States, our government, and the State of Florida. I hope that you find the information to be helpful and informative.

Government Sites for Kids

Many federal agencies, including the U.S. Congress, offer students, parents, and teachers unique and fun-filled websites designed to educate and stimulate. For a list of links to these websites, click here.

Internet Safety

As the number of children using the Internet increases everyday, it is essential that we do more to improve Internet safety. Cyberethics for Kids provides everything that kids need to know before they venture into cyberspace. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Kid's Page is designed to appeal to kids and their parents and promote responsible online security habits.

Today in History

To find out what happened today in American history, click here.

About Our Nation

The history of the United States is filled with exciting stories, battles, and debates. While the words of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution serve as our guidelines, the spirit of the American people brings these words to life. To read more about the laws, symbols, and celebrations of the United States, click here.

About Florida

As a 5th generation Floridian, I am proud to represent the people of the Sunshine State. Florida was admitted to the United States in 1845 and is currently the 4th most populous state in the country. The state is 447 miles long and 361 miles wide, with 1,197 miles of coastline and 663 miles of beaches. Florida's number one industry is tourism, and I encourage you and your family to come visit us soon. To learn more about the State of Florida, click here.