March 6, 2016

Dear Friend,

This week I laced up the skates, put on the gloves, and got out on the ice to play in the Congressional Hockey Challenge to raise money for some great charities. Minnesota was well represented in the game with both myself and Congressman Tom Emmer playing for the lawmakers team against a team of lobbyists. While the lawmakers came up just short, 9-7, the most important part of the game was the money raised for charitable organizations like the USA Warriors Hockey program which supports wounded vetrans.

I also met with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Ouided Bouchamaoui this week. An inspiring leader for women and part of the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet, she has been instrumental in rebuilding democracy in Tunisia after the 2011 Jasmine Revolution. We talked about expanding trade opportunities between Tunisia and the United States to benefit both of our economies.

Finally, did you know that February 29, a rare date on the calendar, is also Rare Disease Day? Rare Diseases are classified as any complication that affects less than 200,000 people. 30 million Americans suffer from one of the 7,000 known rare diseases. I wore a "rare" tie given to me by Minnesotan Erica Barnes and spoke on the House floor about the need to embrace medical innovation to develop new treatments and cures. You can view the video here.

Have a great week and be sure to let me know whenever I can be of assistance to you or your family. Join the conversation online by visiting my websiteFacebook pageTwitterInstagram, and please watch my latest Erik's Correspondence Corner video.



Erik Paulsen
Member of Congress

Increasing Charitable Giving

Minnesotans are known to be generous when it comes to giving to charity and helping others. And, we've led the way in developing new and innovative ways to give to charity. For instance, a recent pilot program in our state allows banks to provide customers an opportunity to directly donate the interest earned from their checking accounts, savings accounts, and money markets to their favorite charity.

Expanding on this, I've authored legislation, the Interest for Others Act, to allow any bank to partner with charities so savings account and checking account holders have the ability to directly rollover their interest to the charity of their choice, and exempt a portion of the interest from being taxed. The average amount of interest in these accounts is small, but with millions of savings accounts across the country, it can add up to significant donations to charitable organizations and the people they help.


Uncompetitive Tax Code Harms Mainstreet Minnesota

It's tax season and I continue to hear from families and small businesses about our confusing, complex, and unfair tax code. A broken tax code also makes it difficult for America to compete globally.  Since 1982, 51 major American employers have moved their headquarters overseas -- 20 of those coming in the past three years and 3 more announced just in January!

We have to take action to prevent the loss of more American headquarters, jobs and innovation because it also directly hurts mainstreet economies and communities. I pointed this out in a recent hearing about tax reform.





New Taxes?

The President is proposing a new $10.25 per barrel tax on oil, which economists say is the equivalent to increasing the gas tax by 26 cents per gallon. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on my recent town hall meeting and responded to my survey about the proposal. Here are the results:



Erik with NHL great Peter Bondra and Congressman Tom Emmer.


Erik takes questions on his recent telephone town hall meeting.


Erik meets with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Ouided Bouchamaoui.


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