October 11, 2015

Dear Friend,

Thank you to everybody that participated in my recent Congress on Your Corner event in Eden Prairie and my Telephone Town Hall conversation this week. I received some great comments, thoughts, and questions that help me more effectively serve and represent you. Don't hesitate to call or email my office to express your thoughts or let me know if I can ever be of assistance. My office has helped a number of people with issues they've had with Federal agencies like the VA or the Social Security Administration. Just call my office at 952-405-8510.

One highlight of the week for me was attending the grand opening of a new housing unit for homeless veterans at Fort Snelling. Our veterans serve our country with honor and a priority of mine is keeping the promises made to them and supporting them when they return home. With the help of the low income housing credit, private funding made this housing project for homeless veterans possible.

Have a great week and if I can be of help to you or your family, please give my office a call. Join the conversation online by visiting my websiteFacebook pageTwitterInstagram, and please watch my latest Erik's Correspondence Corner video.


Erik Paulsen
Member of Congress

Allowing Oil Exports

The Crude Oil Export Ban has been in place for nearly four decades but numerous government studies and research shows that it is actually harming American jobs and energy independence. The export ban is a relic of past times when oil producing countries were imposing embargoes on American oil. Today the United States is the only country in the world with such a ban despite American energy production continuing to grow.

Studies show that lifting the ban could reduce gas prices and create nearly 400,000 new jobs. In addition, this "soft power" weakens countries like Iran and Russia who rely on oil sales to fund their military activities. This week, the House voted in a bipartisan way to lift the oil export ban. I spoke on the floor in favor of the legislation


Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism

When economic sanctions were lifted on Libya a decade ago, the U.S. secured an agreement that the Ghadafi regime compensate the victims of terror attacks such as the Lockerbie bombing.

Today, Iran owes $43 billion in court-ordered judgements to the victims and the families of Iranian-backed terrorism.  Yet, not one cent has been paid by Iran. Despite this fact, the Administration is moving forward to lift economic sanctions against Iran, providing them with over $100 billion of economic relief. I believe Iran should first pay the victims as dictated by the courts before these sanctions are lifted. The House passed legislation that would require this as well. The Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act would require Iran to pay the American victims of their state-sponsored terrorism before sanctions are lifted. Watch me speak on the floor in support.


Protecting Religious Freedom

The ability to freely worship based on your beliefs is something that has been a bedrock principal in America since our founding. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world face persecution everyday because of their religion. Recognizing this concern, in the 1990’s Congress created the bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. This important panel tracks violations of religious freedom throughout the world and makes recommendations to the President, State Department, and Congress for actions to take. This week, the House passed legislation to reauthorize the Commission so they can continue to advance their work of protecting people in every region of the world.  


Erik talking to constituents during his recent Telephone Town Hall meeting.


Congressman Paulsen learns the dangers of taking a wrong turn in the Capitol building.


Erik joined Congressman Leonard Lance as a guest on his monthly show to talk about medical innovation and tax reform.


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