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Newsmax: The 25 Hardest Working Members of Congress

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Washington, June 8, 2016 | comments
Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) recognized as one of the 25 most hard-working Members of Congress.
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Congress may have low approval ratings, with the latest Gallup poll showing just 18 percent of the public thinks the House and Senate are doing a good job.

Despite the public anger toward Congress, many members work their hearts out for their constituents and the public.

Newsmax’s editorial team interviewed dozens of people who know the House of Representatives really well. They included members of Congress, former members of Congress, congressional staffers, reporters, lobbyists, lawyers, and others. Importantly, we checked with constituents across the nation, asking their views on individual members of Congress.

Our survey was not scientific, but was based on solid criteria, including a House member’s commitment to their job, their interest in constituent services and follow-up, their championing of issues and causes important to the national interest, their honesty, and their ability to get things done.

Our survey did not include ideological litmus tests, and it comprises a bipartisan roll call of the House’s greatest. We looked at each member’s concern and passion for the public good.

Here is our 2016 list of the 25 Hardest Working Members of Congress:

6. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) — The three-term lawmaker’s capacity for hard work was hailed at the recent National Republican Congressional Committee dinner. A U.S. Air Force veteran of Iraq, he worked overtime in 2014 to secure congressional approval for an airstrike against Syrian strongman Assad — only to have the White House back off. His is a rising leadership star in the GOP.

The full article and list of members recognized can be found here.
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