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Congresswoman Alma Adams

Representing the 12th District of North Carolina


Congresswoman Alma Adams’ Speaks Out Against Censorship of Winner of Congressional Art Competition

Jan 9, 2017
Press Release

Washington, D.C.—Today, Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) sent a letter to Congressman Duncan Hunter (CA-50) expressing her strong opposition and disappointment to the removal of the artwork of Mr. David Pulphus, the high school artist and winner of Missouri’s 1st District Congressional Art Competition, from the exhibit in the U.S. Capitol.

“As a practicing professional artist and retired 40 year college art professor, I am appalled that Congressman Hunter would take any action that would degrade and censor a high school student who was chosen as an official winner of the Congressional Art Competition,” said Congresswoman Adams.

“Representative Hunter’s actions not only disregarded and disrespected Representative Clay’s decision to award Mr. Pulphus with this special Congressional honor, but also silenced the very real experience of those citizens in Mr. Clay’s district- and more specifically this young student’s right as an artist to express himself.

“Our founding fathers enshrined the freedom of speech in the Bill of Rights, but this irreverent action showed, not only a lack of respect for our freedoms and civil liberties, but also a blatant disregard for our Constitution. Freedom of speech, which includes visual expression, press, and a lack of censorship are values that we have not only fought for, but also values that Representative Hunter and I have been elected to protect.”     


Congresswoman Adams will participate in the rehanging of the David Pulphus’ artwork tomorrow at 10am.