Worthy of Their Service

A VA Worthy of Veterans' Service - Tell Your Story

Veterans deserve a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that is worthy of their service and sacrifice for our nation. When the Senate and House came together to pass the Choice Act, there was a sense of hope among veterans, their families and the American people that it was the start of dramatic change at the VA. Months later, many veterans are still unable to access the care they need because of numerous problems with Choice Act implementation.

To veterans and their families – I want to hear about your experience with the Choice Act Program. Too often the personal story of a veteran who is struggling to get the help he or she deserves goes unheard. I want to make certain the VA listens and commits to transformation of a bureaucracy that is a disservice to our veterans. Click here to share your experience. I will do my best to respond in a timely fashion and make certain the VA hears your story. 

It is clear that we are not prepared for the servicemen and women who are returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are not capable of caring for our aging veterans – particularly those from the Vietnam era – as we promised we would and as every American knows we should. Unfortunately, common sense is not prevailing and the VA continues to operate in the same bureaucratic fashion.