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Everyone who lives, works, and travels in the Third District understands the importance of transportation.  As someone who drives on Interstate 494 every week, I know firsthand the problems that many Minnesotans face, which is why I supported a bipartisan, long-term transportation bill.
In December 2015, Congress passed and the President signed into law the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, a bipartisan, five-year, and fully-funded transportation bill.  This is the longest transportation authorization in over a decade and will strengthen transportation programs in Minnesota and across the country.
The FAST Act provides long-term certainty and flexibility for states and local governments to help us spend less time stuck in traffic, improve aging infrastructure, facilitate commerce and economic growth, help make America more competitive in the global marketplace, and create jobs in all sectors of our economy.
I will continue to support comprehensive transportation solutions that will alleviate congestion and improve the safety of our roads, and I will be a passionate advocate for vital needs such as upgrading and expanding Highway 610, Interstate 494, and Highway 169, as well as investment in smart transit.