House OversightDemsVerified account


Ranking Member Elijah E. Cummings - Oversight and Government Reform Democrats -- RT and follows do not equal endorsements Tweets from Cummings signed EEC

Washington, DC
Joined April 2009

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  1. It's been a long time coming. Time to .

  2. Remember this history: Not until 1964 with the passage of the 24th amendment were poll taxes banned. Don't let that work go to waste—!

  3. .: I believe her closing message will be that she will be the uniter-in-chief.

  4. .: Sec. Clinton has made it clear she made a mistake, and she has learned from it.

  5. .: It's hard to determine what, if any damage there was. re:Dri Comey ltr to Congress 10 days ago

  6. I’ll on live now with . Tune in here to watch:

  7. . will be on at 12:30 pm today! Tune in!

  8. . re: FBI investigation on Clinton emails: Never seen a situation where there's been so many leaks

  9. .: Glad the FBI cleared it up, but it was alarming that Dir. Comey put that letter out 9 days ago

  10. .: We've had leaks coming out of the FBI almost every day. At some point that needs to be dealt with.

  11. .: I still think the IG should look at the FBI and determine where all these leaks are coming from.

  12. .: I'm glad the FBI cleared this up, but it is very alarming that Dir. Comey put out a vague ltr 9 days ago.

  13. . will be on at 7:15 this evening to discuss Dir. Comey's letter to Congress. Tune in!

  14. .: We must look at the FBI to figure out what's going on because we need to have trust in our institutions.

  15. .: I'm glad that the FBI went swiftly through these emails, but he never should have put out a vague letter to Congress.

  16. . will join on at 6:20 this evening to discuss Dir. Comey's letter to Congress. Tune in!

  17. .: Rs hve engaged in wild speculation & launched unsubstantiated accusations, but the FBI has determined they are without merit.

  18. .: Today’s announcement by the FBI affirms and vindicates its findings from this summer with respect to Secretary Clinton.

  19. . on : Republicans are involved in a campaign of obstruction, destruction and distraction.

  20. . on : 99.9% of the time the FBI does not even confirm investigations.

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