
  • Expanding Job & Business Opportunities

    Expanding Job & Business Opportunities

    Believing that the ability of Missourians to find good-paying jobs is the key to economic success for the state, Claire has made private sector job growth and better business opportunities a top priority in the Senate.

  • Cutting Wasteful Spending

    Cutting Wasteful Spending

    Claire views the national debt as a danger to America's future and the opportunities that will be afforded to our kids and grandkids, and has bucked her own party to rein in federal spending. While concrete progress has been made reducing budget deficits, she believes further action is needed to prevent those deficits from weakening the economy or leading to undue influence by foreign creditors.

  • Protecting Consumers

    Protecting Consumers

    Having led the Senate’s panel on Consumer Protection, Claire has lifted the voices and stories of her Missouri constituents to force predatory companies and scam artists to answer for their fraudulent practices, and to enact policies to better protect families and consumers across the country.

  • Delivering for Veterans

    Delivering for Veterans

    As the daughter of a World War II veteran, Claire believes America has a moral responsibility to keep its promises to those who have sacrificed to protect our country. While much work remains to be done to ensure that those who have served receive the benefits and care they have earned, Claire - as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee and founding member of the Senate Veterans Jobs Caucus - has successfully championed new policies and resources to improve the quality of life for America's military heroes.

  • Strengthening National Security

    Strengthening National Security

    As a member of both the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Homeland Security Committee, Claire believes in a strong, cohesive, and thoughtful approach to the security of our nation and supporting the mission of our men and women in uniform.

  • Combatting Sexual Violence

    Combatting Sexual Violence

    Fighting to curb domestic and sexual violence - and working to protect and empower survivors of such violence - is an effort that has marked Claire’s career in public service, and has become a defining issue of her second term in the U.S. Senate.

  • Educating Young Missourians

    Educating Young Missourians

    As a product of Missouri’s public schools and a graduate of the University of Missouri, Claire is committed to strengthening Missouri's public schools system. She understands a strong educational system is necessary to keep Missouri's economy healthy and competitive, and to continue expanding job opportunities for young Missourians.

  • Strengthening Accountability

    Strengthening Accountability

    Before being elected to the U.S. Senate, Claire worked as a courtroom prosecutor in Kansas City, served as Jackson County Prosecutor, and was the state’s top government watchdog as Missouri State Auditor. And fighting to strengthen accountability in government is a Missouri value that she brought with her to the Senate.

  • Fixing America's Immigration System

    Fixing America's Immigration System

    With more than 11 million undocumented immigrants already residing within the U.S. and more attempting to cross our borders each year, it's clear our current immigration system is badly broken and the status quo is unacceptable.

  • Bolstering Energy Security

    Bolstering Energy Security

    Claire believes that Missouri has the potential to be on the forefront of emerging energy sources and technology, and that such developments would lead to better jobs and business opportunities for the state. She has demonstrated her independence, promoting an all-of-the-above energy approach, and supporting projects such as cutting-edge Missouri-made small modular nuclear reactors, the Keystone XL and Flanagan oil pipelines, and renewable energies such as wind and solar.

  • Protecting Rural Missouri

    Protecting Rural Missouri

    America's agricultural and food supply is a vital part of our economic productivity and growth. From corn and wheat to dairy and pork, Missouri is a leading producer of a diverse range of agricultural goods.

  • Fighting for Seniors

    Fighting for Seniors

    Claire has always believed that current and future seniors deserve the Social Security and Medicare benefits they’ve earned during the course of their working lives. Protecting those benefits and advocating for the elderly have been a top priority for her throughout her time in the U.S. Senate.

  • Improving Healthcare

    Improving Healthcare

    Claire joined the Senate with a pledge to Missouri's families to finally tackle the country's broken health care system - a system that was contributing to budget-busting deficits, leaving millions of Americans without access to quality care, and subjecting millions more to the abusive practices of big insurance companies.

  • Key First Term Accomplishments

    Key First Term Accomplishments

    During her first term, Claire successfully achieved concrete results for the state's families and businesses. From expanding job opportunities and cutting wasteful spending, to strengthening care for Missouri’s military veterans, to boosting accountability across government — use the link to view highlights from Claire’s work on behalf of Missouri.