Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

Representing the 1st District of Maine

Pingree joins calls for independent commission to investigate Russian election interference

Jan 11, 2017
Press Release
All 195 House Democrats have cosponsored the legislation

This week Congresswoman Chellie Pingree joined the call to fully investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election by cosponsoring a bill to establish an independent commission similar to one created after 9/11. The bill, HR 356, is cosponsored by all 195 Democratic members of the House, but by no Republicans.

“The revelations that are coming out about Russia’s concerted efforts to sway the American election process are shocking and frightening.  We absolutely need an independent commission with the resources and objectivity needed to get to the bottom of this situation and find out how we can defend our nation from this kind of meddling,” Pingree said. “This was not an attack on one party or another. It was an attack on our very democracy and should be treated as such. I hope Republicans eventually see the gravity of this situation and support this critical commission.” 

The bill would create a 12-member, bipartisan, independent commission empowered to interview witnesses, obtain documents, issue subpoenas, and receive public testimony to examine attempts by the Russian government or others to use electronic means to influence, interfere with, or undermine trust in last year’s U.S. elections. The commission would also make recommendations to Congress and the President within 18 months of enactment to prevent foreign interference in future elections.