
Here you will find reports, public letters, & other legislative resources.

acrobatMerkley-Wyden Letter to FRA on Rail Service Resumption
acrobatOSU Wave Energy Support
acrobatBipartisan Group of Senators Presses Federal Regulator for Clear Guidance on Banking Services for Vendors Working with Legal Marijuana Businesses
acrobatWyden, Merkley Letter to GAO on GMO Foods
acrobatLetter to President Obama on West Coast Offshore Drilling
acrobatPendleton EAS Petition Support Letter
acrobat2016-11-03 Wells Fargo FINRA Violations Letter
acrobatFCC letter
acrobatLetter to USDA, DEA, FDA on Industrial Hemp 10.27.16
acrobatLetter Opposing Russell Amdt. in NDAA
acrobatOne-page summary of the DOE Whistleblower Accountability Act
acrobatDepartment of Energy Whistleblower Accountability Act
acrobatArmy response to Wyden, Murphy call for investigation into wrongful discharges
acrobatCollege Accountability Letter on VA Oversight of Post-9 11 GI Bill