Affordable Care Act: Share Your Story

With the incoming Republican White House, Senate, and House seeking to dismantle the Affordable Care Act with no established plan to replace itI am asking you to share your story about how the Affordable Care Act has helped you or someone you know.

  • Are you one of the 530,000 Washingtonians who gained healthcare thanks to the Affordable Care Act?
  • Are you one of the nearly 3 million Washingtonians with a preexisting condition who benefits from the Affordable Care Act?
  • Are you one of the 2.4 million Washingtonians who benefits from the fact that there is no longer a lifetime cap on essential coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act?
  • Or are you one of the 50,000 Washingtonians under 26 years old who are able to stay on your parents’ health insurance plan thanks to the Affordable Care Act?

Members of Congress need to hear from you. Help me keep the pressure on Congress to preserve affordable healthcare by sharing your story.

Can we share your story on our website or on social media?*