Womack Votes to Rein in Executive Regulations

January 05, 2017

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) today released the following statement after House passage of H.R. 26, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2017: “Regulations and red tape have greatly hindered the growth and success ... (...)

Womack Sworn Into 115th Congress

January 03, 2017

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) today released the following statement after taking the oath of office and being sworn in for a fourth term representing Arkansas’s Third District in the United States House of Representatives: “There is no finer honor... (...)

  • RT @SteveScalise: Key House votes today: 💼 Help small businesses & startups (HR79) 📋 Cut burdensome red tape (HR288) 💡 Bring innovation to…

    a day ago
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