Health Care

America is the global leader in health care.  However, that leadership status was put at risk with the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

I know that our country can provide access to quality health care for every American by repealing this law and improving our current system.  In order to achieve this goal we need to focus on these principles of reform:

•Lower health care premiums

•A guarantee of affordable coverage for patients with pre-existing conditions

•Protection of Medicare benefits for seniors

• A plan that strengthens the doctor-patient relationship and keeps private information private

• Enacting tort-reform

I believe we can accomplish health care reform the American people want without having a government takeover of our health care system, without raising taxes or premiums and without forcing citizens to buy health insurance they do not want or cannot afford.

More on Health Care

November 30, 2016 Press Release
"Nearly all Americans know a friend or loved one who has battled cancer or chronic illness. The 21st Century Cures Act increases funding for research, eliminates red tape and empowers the smartest medical minds to bring the best treatments and cures to patients as soon as possible."
June 27, 2016 In The News

Excerpt: Native Americans barred from contributing to health savings accounts in some instances would gain that right under a resolution to fix the obscure mix-up pushed by U.S. Rep. John Moolenaar, R-Midland.

June 21, 2016 Press Release
"No one likes to endure a long wait at the doctor's office and no one should to have wait three months before being allowed to contribute to their own HSA. Eliminating this unnecessary government burden promotes health savings and patient-centered care for all Native Americans," said Moolenaar.
April 22, 2016 Press Release
As a Mid Michigan resident it is important to me to find ways to help rural communities in Michigan along with our neighbors in Flint. Rural communities in my district and across Michigan also have water safety concerns and this legislation eliminates barriers to federal grants for water infrastructure financing and technical assistance.
March 15, 2016 Press Release
The conservative budget released today moves our country toward a sustainable fiscal future. The budget balances, keeps the promises that have been made to our seniors and improves our national security. It reduces spending in Washington and leaves more money where it belongs – in the pockets of hardworking Americans.
January 17, 2016 Editorial
In 2015, my office assisted with over 1,000 cases involving federal agencies, including Veterans Affairs, the IRS and the Social Security Administration. It also responded to 26,172 emails and letters from constituents and held more than 150 constituent hours in counties across the district.
January 6, 2016 Press Release
Today, the House of Representatives voted to repeal President Obama's unaffordable health care law. The law was passed in 2010 and the American people have opposed it everyday since. The repeal legislation also defunds Planned Parenthood and redirects the funding to federally qualified health centers, including the 13 in Michigan's Fourth District that serve more than 154,000 patients.
December 18, 2015 Press Release
The legislation provides $300 million in funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to protect the Lakes and the $7 billion economy they support. In recognition of the EPA’s overreach with the Waters of the U.S. rule and other burdensome regulations, this bill cuts EPA spending by $452 million. It also makes changes to the visa waiver program and requires visitors to America who have traveled to terrorism hotspots to undergo rigorous background checks before entering the country.
December 17, 2015 Press Release
Moolenaar: "The legislation permanently extends the research and development tax credit that leading Michigan companies use to make innovative new products that are sold around the world. This will reduce the tax burden for Michigan businesses and create more jobs for Michigan residents.”
October 9, 2015 Press Release

Today, the House Budget Committee advanced legislation to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. The legislation is part of the budget reconciliation process, which allows it to advance through the U.S. Senate with support from a simple majority. It is not subject to a Senate filibuster.

Representative John Moolenaar (R-Midland) supported the bill and released the following statement: