Submit Your Scam

Claire is the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Aging Committee, and on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. She uses her posts to protect Missouri seniors, families, and businesses from predatory practices and to crack down on scam artists. Have you been the target of a scam that Claire should investigate? Tell us your story.

Our office intends to use the information you provide to spot abusive practices and actors. We collect and use only the information necessary to respond to your concerns. Reports identifying aggregate patterns of predatory activity may be may be made public in a variety of ways. The reports may include anonymous quotations by reporting individuals or contain other particular information to put the quotation in context. We may also use anonymous accounts of predatory activity as a basis for discussions with the individuals, businesses, or government agencies that are of concern. Our office will not release any other information contained in survey responses, unless authorized by our Privacy Policy, which is contained on our website, or may be obtained from our staff.

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