Executive Action

Dec 2, 2014

Information on the Immigration Accountability Executive Action 

Can immigrants earn citizenship or a Green Card through this program? 

No. This executive action does not create a path to citizenship or a Green Card for anyone who does not already qualify under existing law.

Instead, these actions expand the existing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for immigrants who came to the U.S. as children in the following ways:

  • Those who entered the U.S. before January 1, 2010, regardless of how old they are today, are now eligible.
  • And going forward, DACA relief will be granted for three years.

It also creates a new program, Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA), to require undocumented immigrants who meet the following criteria to come forward and register with the government:

  • Have continuously resided in the U.S. since January 1, 2010.
  • Have a U.S. citizen child or Lawful Permanent Resident child who was born before the date of the announcement, November 20, 2014.
  • Were present in the country on November 20, 2014 and on the date that deferred action is requested.
  • Pass a background check and pay taxes.

Can I apply now? 

No. It will take the federal government at least six months. More information will be posted as soon as it is available about how and when you can begin to apply. Do not be a victim to anyone who suggests you can apply now or that they can give you a spot at the front of the line for a fee. It's just not true. Keep checking this website and speak with trusted community based organizations.

How can I get ready?

You can begin to gather documents that establish your identity, family ties, and presence in the United States. A list of documents will be posted as the government announces more details about how to apply and what types of documents are required.

The President announced additional steps to reform our immigration enforcement and priorities.

Learn more details here

Additional information can also be found here: http://www.uscis.gov/immigrationaction