
Stopping the Next Attack: How to Keep Our City Streets from Becoming the Battleground

September 21, 2016 10:00 AM | 311 Cannon House Office Building

The purpose of the hearing is to highlight the importance of strengthening preparedness, prevention, and response efforts, from the perspective of local law enforcement officials, and their experiences in preventing terrorist or lone wolf attacks in their communities. Their perspective will provide valuable best practices and lessons learned about how to build a more resilient nation.

Opening Statements

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman
Opening Statement

Live Stream


Mr. John Miller
Deputy Commissioner
Intelligence and Counterterrorism
New York City Police Department
New York City, New York
No Written Statement Provided

Chief Art Acevedo
Chief of Police
Austin, Texas
Testifying on behalf of the Major Cities Chiefs Association
Witness Testimony

Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard
Oakland County Sheriff’s Office
Oakland County, Michigan
Testifying on behalf of the Major County Sheriffs Association
Witness Testimony

Sheriff Jerry L. Demings
Orange County Sheriff’s Office
Orange County, Florida
Witness Testimony