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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Weekly Capitol Report

Jan 6, 2017 Weekly Capitol Report

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on  which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Dec 30, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Talk tough to your allies and ignore your enemies. That has become the foreign policy doctrine which will define our current President. President Obama’s decision to abstain from voting on an anti-Israel United Nations (UN) resolution this week is a clear betrayal of our strong alliance and our enduring commitment to support Israel.

Dec 26, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

As the New Year quickly approaches, many people are making a list of New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2017. While those lists often include getting in better shape, eating healthier or spending more time with loved ones – the incoming Trump Administration is working on a different kind of list.

Dec 16, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

The rolling hills and flatland of southeast and south central Missouri are a beautiful place during the Holiday Season; we take time to gather with family and friends, and we also reflect on the previous days and months throughout the year.

Dec 9, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

In his own words, President Obama stated “We can’t wait for Congress to do its job, so where they won’t act, I will” and over past 8 years, that’s exactly what he has done at the expense of the American people.

Dec 2, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Over the last 8 years, the United States has lost credibility with its allies, failed to deter her enemies and seen the security of American families suffer in an increasingly dangerous world.

Nov 27, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Unity. That is what I reflected on this Thanksgiving. It is a true testament to the remarkable character of Americans that after a divisive Presidential campaign season, we can all respect our differences and come together for the good of our country and for our future generations.

Nov 18, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

The elections are over and we now know that Donald J Trump will become the 45th President of the United States. One of the key factors to his victory was a promise to stop the onslaught of Washington driven regulations and executive orders coming from the Obama White House which have crippled American farmers, families and business owners.

Nov 11, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Throughout our country's history our veterans and the patriots before them answered the call of duty and have valiantly fought to make America a place where personal liberties are celebrated and the rights bestowed to us upon the Constitution are forever protected and preserved.

Nov 4, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

For over 200 years American patriots have shed their blood to fight for independence, liberty, and a democratic process that puts more power into the hands of citizens than monarchs and tyrants. Our country's history is also marked with numerous physical and political battles to expand the right to vote to millions more deserved Americans.
