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Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton

Representing the District of Columbia

Places in Washington DC

D.C. Students at the Capitol

Congresswoman Norton welcomes groups of children and adults from schools, programs, and religious organizations to visit her Capitol Hill Office, tour the U.S. Capitol, and view the proceedings in the House and Senate galleries.  Groups may also arrange to meet with the congresswoman during their visit to the Capitol.  

To participate, please send an email to with desired dates and number of students.


**Note: Reserved congressional tours are offered Monday through Friday, from 9am-3pm. Please give several dates that your group would be able to participate in the program, andindicate the earliest time you can arrive at the Capitol for your tour. In order to ensure that we can accommodate your group, please submit your request a month in advance of your first tour date.

Congress is usually not in session on Monday's or Friday's so there would be no debate on either the House and Senate floors. Click here to view the House Schedule.

Please allow at least two hours for your group to complete these activities.