
  • Campaign Finance and Election Reform

    Campaign Finance and Election Reform

    "The right to vote is the most fundamental right in any democracy, since it is the right from which all others meaningfully derive. Deny someone the right to vote, and you may deny them the right to speak, to associate with whom they choose or to freely exercise their faith – for if these other rights are infringed, how may we seek redress but at the ballot box. Not even the courts can secure our rights in the absence of an effective franchise. Congress established the inferior courts and Congress may abolish them; the right to vote alone is foundation to all of the others." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Creative Industries and Intellectual Property

    Creative Industries and Intellectual Property

    "American entrepreneurs invest their time, money and talent into creating the next must-have music, film and technology, and justly expect to be compensated by the market, both at home and overseas. To assure the continued creation and distribution of music, movies, software and books, from which we all benefit, we must ensure that our artists, creators and producers are paid for their work. Our creative industries employ millions of Americans and are some of our most competitive exports. All we want is a level playing field where all nations live up to their obligations to protect intellectual property and enforce the law." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Criminal Justice and Public Safety

    Criminal Justice and Public Safety

    "Building safe and secure communities is one of our most important national goals. To succeed, we must create drug- and crime-free schools, support a professional, visible police force rooted in our communities, and invest critical resources in the prevention and intervention of criminal activity by at-risk youth." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Diaspora & Armenian Issues

    Diaspora & Armenian Issues

    "The United States must acknowledge and recognize the Armenian Genocide – to call what was the first genocide of the 20th Century, a genocide – and to stand with the ever-dwindling number of survivors, as well as the descendants of those who were lost. They must not continue to suffer the indignity, injury and pain of denial." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Education


    "Our educational system’s successes and failures will determine the future of our nation. As the proud parent of two children in our public schools, I know firsthand the importance of quality education and safe, well-run schools. I am committed to supporting a top-notch education system from Pre-K to college and beyond." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Energy and Environment

    Energy and Environment

    "There is no issue more critical to the future of our world and community than protecting the environment and ensuring that we are investing in clean and renewable energy. As a Member of Congress, as an American, and as a father, I feel a keen sense of obligation to care for our environment and the other creatures that share the Earth with us, and invest in the future by adopting an Apollo Project-like effort to transition us from fossil fuels. As President Theodore Roosevelt said, ‘The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Health Care

    Health Care

    "The passage of the Affordable Care Act was a major milestone in fixing our broken health care system, ensuring that those with pre-existing conditions can access care, extending health insurance to millions of Americans, and helping to slow the growth of health care costs to their lowest rates in decades. But it’s clear we still have much more work to do to continue to improve our healthcare delivery system to make sure health care is affordable and high quality for all Americans." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Immigration


    "It’s clear that our current immigration system is broken and badly in need of change. Congress must turn its attention to the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the United States and enact reform that provides a path to legalization and eventually citizenship, provided they play by the rules and pay their taxes. It’s important that we approach the issue of immigration with a sense of urgency, a spirit of compassion, and a commitment to security." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Jobs and the Economy

    Jobs and the Economy

    "The Great Recession has taken an enormous toll on Los Angeles and our nation – and my focus has been getting Americans back to work, reducing unemployment, and restoring America’s place as a manufacturing powerhouse. While the economy has improved substantially from the depths of the Great Recession, with the national unemployment rate now below 6 percent, we still have a long way to go. I’m pursuing policies to keep America the most creative, entrepreneurial and technologically advanced country in the world, and to bolster U.S. exports." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • LGBT Equality

    LGBT Equality

    "All Americans deserve the same basic rights as everyone else – that’s why I have fought so hard for equality for all LGBT Americans. I believe that marriage equality extends one of our most basic rights of citizenship to all Americans – that is, the right to marry the person you love. It’s my sincere hope that marriage equality will soon become the law of the land." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Military Servicemembers and Veterans

    Military Servicemembers and Veterans

    "We have a moral obligation to support those who have made great sacrifices for our nation. We owe an immeasurable debt to the brave men and women who have put themselves in harm’s way for our safety, as we are reminded by witnessing their sacrifices. I am committed to ensuring that benefits and health care are accessible and effective for veterans and their families." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • National Security and Foreign Affairs

    National Security and Foreign Affairs

    "An America that inspires hope in its ideals is the best complement to an America that inspires awe in its strength. Integrity, generosity, and vision have always been essential cornerstones of our policy and prosperity. We are a more secure America when we rally the world to our side." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Seniors and Social Security

    Seniors and Social Security

    "We have a responsibility to seniors to see that we provide them with a decent standard of living. Social Security has been the linchpin of that commitment for decades. I believe this time tested program must be maintained and strengthened. Efforts to privatize the Social Security system will not improve its solvency, but instead will restructure and harm the most durable safety net program in American history." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Space Exploration

    Space Exploration

    "American leadership in space exploration has been one of the key drivers in our economic expansion in the past century, including the development of many of our high-tech and emerging industries. Now is not the time to step back and let others take the lead in the new international space race, and we must preserve and expand the missions to the heavens, many of which are planned and executed right in our backyard at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory." - Rep. Adam Schiff

  • Transportation and Quality of Life

    Transportation and Quality of Life

    "Transportation issues are critical to California's economy and our everyday lives. We must continue to improve roads and highways to reduce congestion and increase driver safety. It is equally important that we invest in transportation alternatives, such as light rail, which are increasingly necessary in our growing region, and will help reduce pollution and traffic congestion." - Rep. Adam Schiff