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America depends on a thriving agricultural industry. Texas’ 11th congressional district is the home to thousands of families who make their living from the land. They raise cattle, goats and sheep; grow wheat, sorghum and cotton; and produce the milk and other dairy products that Americans depend on to feed and clothe their families.

As Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, one of my top priorities is to ensure proper implementation of the new farm bill. I will focus on aggressive oversight and review of the programs and policies within the jurisdiction of the committee, including federal crop insurance and nutrition assistance programs.

We must provide our farmers and ranchers the tools they need to navigate an inherently risky and uncertain business, while protecting American taxpayer dollars and fixing ineffective and flawed programs. It is vital that our nation maintains a robust agriculture industry.

Our nation’s abundant food and fiber supply is the result of hardworking ranchers and families, private stewardship of resources, and a reliance on sound public farm policy. As your representative in Washington, I work each day to uphold that commitment.

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