
Send Me an Email

Each day I received hundreds of emails, letters, and phone calls from Idahoans. Not only do I carefully consider the content of these messages, I believe it is important to respond to them as quickly as possible. In most cases I am able to respond to your message within a couple of weeks. However, because of the volume of mail that my office receives, it can occasionally take longer to get a response, and I appreciate your patience.

In order to ensure that you can contact me easily and I can respond as quickly as possible, I encourage you to use the form below to share your views with me. Here are a few tips to ensure that your thoughts are conveyed accurately:
  • Be specific: Clearly state the issue or legislation about which you are writing in the body of your message. It is extremely helpful to include the bill number whenever possible.
  • Be thoughtful: Opinions carry the most weight when they are expressed civilly and clearly. Before you click “send,” reread your message to make sure that it clearly articulates the issue you want to write about and accurately expresses your views. Emails, letters, or phone calls which contain obscenities or defamatory comments may not receive a response.
  • Share your views: I am interested in hearing your own views on the issues facing our nation; therefore, I encourage you to tell me what you think rather than simply forwarding material, including internet links and YouTube videos.
  • Use the correct form: Please do not use this form for scheduling requests or to request tours or flags. To ensure that these requests are responded to in a timely fashion, please use the proper link and form. To request a meeting, please click here. To request tours in Washington, DC, please click here. To request a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, please click here.

Our representative democracy only works when citizens are willing to be involved in their government. Hearing from you about how legislation under consideration impacts you enables me to better represent you in the United States Congress.

Please enter your home zip code to access the email form.

I encourage my constituents to meet with me and my staff regarding issues that concern them. If you would like to schedule an appointment please contact your nearest office.
