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Department of Defense - Science & Technology

Given today's globalized access to knowledge and the rapid pace of technology development, innovation, speed, and agility have taken on a greater importance. The Defense Department serves as an innovative leader in developing technology to protect Americans and troops - on and off the battlefield.

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Six Decades of Sustained DoD Support Underlies DARPA Innovation

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's director said during a panel discussion on leadership of innovative organizations that Defense Department support for the agency has led to stealth, artificial intelligence, the internet and more. Story

Work Praises Industrial Base Innovation after Raytheon, Boeing Visits

Defense Department recommendations in the president's fiscal year 2018 budget heavily emphasize increased munitions acquisitions, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work said. Story

Carter: Determined to Ensure Successor Inherits 'Same Level of Excellence'

Invited to deliver closing remarks at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Carter used the opportunity to outline the scope and vision of his time as head of the DoD. Story

Deputy Secretary Discusses Last Official Trip, DoD Transition

On the first leg of his last official trip, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work sat down with reporters to discuss his upcoming visits with two defense contractors, the Reagan National Defense Forum, and what a changing defense leadership means for innovation and the third offset strategy. Story

On Aug. 4 in Las Vegas seven computers competed in the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge, aiming to prove that machines can find and fix software flaws at network speed with no human help.


DARPA: Autonomous Bug-Hunting Bots Will Lead to Improved Cybersecurity

Seven teams whose cyber reasoning bots played in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Cyber Grand Challenge proved that machines by themselves could find and fix software safety problems in a simplified version of the code used everywhere, every day. Story

Three Teams Earn Prizes in DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge

Three teams earned prize money in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Cyber Grand Challenge, but all seven finalists received awards for their substantial contributions to creating the world's first autonomous bug-hunting machines. Story

Today, finding and reacting to unknown flaws in software is entirely manual, as demonstrated by these assessment team members who are collecting data to analyze blue and red team attacks and defenses during exercise Cyber Shield 2016.

Bug-Hunting Computers to Compete in DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge

Mike Walker, program manager for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Cyber Grand Challenge, said seven computers will compete in the first all-machine cyber defense tournament. Story


Cyber Grand Challenge: Using Autonomous Bots to Hunt Software Bugs

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Capture the Flag

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7 Finalists:

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The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Plan X program is working to help military cyber operators visualize the cyber battlespace and perform missions there based on an established cyber framework and a common operating picture.

DARPA’s Plan X Gives Military Operators a Place to Wage Cyber Warfare

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Plan X cyber warfare program engineers have done the foundational work to create for the first time a common operating picture for warriors in cyberspace. Story


Screen grab of a robotic hand

DARPA: New Technologies for National Security

Defense Department leaders showed their support for the 2016 USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., April 15, 2016, by providing learning activities for children that highlighted science, technology, engineering and math. Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, said these skills are essential for service members who rely on science and engineering daily.


Screen grab of Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, speaking at a podium.

DoD Tech Chief Speaks at Science, Engineering Festival

Photo Essay

Photo of students conducting a science experiment at a Defense Department exhibit at the USA Science and Engineering Festival.

DoD Engages Children in Science, Technology Learning

Festival Sparks Interest in Science, Engineering

Students of all ages keen on science, technology, engineering and mathematics enjoyed a bit of futuristic fun at the USA Science and Engineering Festival. Story

DoD STEM is pleased to join other federal agencies for National Week at the Labs to inspire young people's interest in science and technology.


Deputy Secretary Highlights Developing Technologies During Lab Visit

The civilian and military personnel at the laboratories here are working on cutting-edge technologies to maximize human performance, protect the warfighter, and secure the nation. Story


Screen grab of Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work speaking at a podium.

Work Participates in National Week at the Labs

Photo Essay

Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work presenting his challenge coin to students from the Dayton, Ohio.

Deputy Secretary Tours Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Lab



U.S., South Korean Robots Win DARPA Finals

Photo of Team Kaist’s robot DRC-Hubo using a tool to cut a hole in a wall during the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals.

A robot from South Korea took first prize and two American robots took second and third prizes here yesterday in the two-day robotic challenge finals held by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Story

Robots Excel on First Day of DARPA Finals

Photo of RoboSimian, a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory simian-inspired limbed robot.

On the first day of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Robotic Challenge Finals here yesterday, one human-robot team had a perfect score and many others got high scores on what event organizers determined to be the hardest course any robot has ever tackled. Story

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