The subs will likely give even the best U.S. boats a run for their money.

The Obama administration had become increasingly frustrated, and the president had nothing to lose.

The administration is preparing to resettle up to 19 prisoners before Jan. 20 but will fall short of its closure promise.

The outgoing secretary of state said the viability of a two-state solution is in jeopardy.

It was the last of five bridges separating the two sides of the city.

A package that would include sanctions and covert action is being finalized.

Obama noted this month that theU.S. has seen “some evidence” that Chinese government hackers have reduced their pilfering of U.S. companies’ intellectual property and sensitive data.

But advocates say communication and coordination can still be improved.

Supporters of the change had argued that the two jobs were too big for a single leader.

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for national security adviser partnered in recent months with a technology company co-led by a businessman who pleaded guilty to trying to sell stolen scientific...

Militants have used the Telegram site to urge attacks on Christmas festivals.

The United States in the past has used its veto on similar resolutions but abstained from the vote Friday.

Mattis questioned if intercontinental ballistic missiles are still necessary.

It's a new job for the command whose elite forces hunt the Islamic State.

The president-elect addressed the nuclear arsenal and the F-35 fighter and slapped down a U.N. resolution on Israel.

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