"All people who work for civil rights, it'll make our work double.”

America's leading critic of social justice protests has never condemned the riots he egged on.

There's ample evidence showing that Rudy Giuliani's authoritarianism grows as he seeks and collects political power.

Plus: Response to Mass. crime lab scandal continues to move slowly, 'dreamers' fear deportation, Trump's nutty prospective cabinet.

Trump's Justice Department will likely be a nightmare, but by and large, voters across the country showed a preference for a less punitive criminal-justice system.

Radley Balko discusses the election, Obama's legacy and more.

The trial of a former sheriff highlights how the drug war dehumanizes people.

Hundreds of innocent people have likely been convicted. No one in Las Vegas seems to care.

Plus: Wrong-door raid in Georgia, surveillance shenanigans in Baltimore, Mass. police chiefs spurn legalization.

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