University endowments posted the lowest investment returns since the 2008 financial crisis, yet schools upped their spending in fiscal 2016, report says.

Whether free shipping will prove enticing enough to woo new shoppers remains to be seen.

Thomas D. Homan won an award for deporting illegal immigrants last year.

Justice officials who know Yates were not surprised by decision not to defend Trump immigration order.

After acting attorney general Sally Yates issued a memo on Jan. 30, for Justice Department lawyers not to defend President Trump's immigration order, he "relieved Ms. Yates of her duties," according to a White House statement. Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Va., was sworn in to replace her.

After the travel ban, Democrats all but abandon their promise to find common ground with the new president.

‘I know that they said they talked with some staffers on the Hill — not in our office,’ said Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker.

Tensions emerged in the White House and on Capitol Hill following Trump’s immigration order

The parents of 2-year-old Heavenz wonder about her future, as well as theirs.

The White House said Sally Yates has ‘betrayed’ the Justice Department.

A petition calls for the removal of Stephen K. Bannon from the new administration.

Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-Va.) was denied access to Customs and Border Protection officials at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 29 as he tried to inquire whether CBP had travelers in custody following President Trump’s travel ban.

It marks a major shift in policy for the organization.

He enlisted in the Navy in 1998.

He said he would speak out “where I think our core values may be at stake.’

A roundup of business news from around the world.

Jonathan B. Jarvis says history and “national policy” are often intertwined

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said dissenters should ‘get with the program or they can go.’

Diabetes patients overpaid for insulin, lawsuit alleges

In Allentown, some worry that refugees open the door to terrorism and risk tainting them all.

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