Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day performs “Bang Bang” at the American Music Awards. (Matt Sayles/Invision via Associated Press)

At the beginning of Sunday night’s American Music Awards, co-host and former “Saturday Night Live” star Jay Pharoah told the audience they weren’t going to talk about politics: “Tonight is all about the music,” he announced.

That was not entirely true. Minutes later, Pharoah launched into his impression of President-elect Donald Trump (“I love Bruno Mars. I don’t know what color he is, so I can’t deport him. … I love ‘Uptown Funk.’ It was totally about me. … I’m gonna funk this country up, bigly.”)

But punk rock group Green Day was the most overtly political; lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong is a vocal Trump critic. During the performance of their new single, “Bang Bang,” they segued briefly into “Born to Die” by punk band MDC, singing Trump-themed lyrics: “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!” They repeated the line (which has been heard at anti-Trump protests) three times before they finished the song.

A few more Trump references were peppered throughout the AMAs, including co-host/supermodel Gigi Hadid, who imitated Melania Trump and mocked the Michelle Obama plagiarism incident.

Plus, there was this onstage banter between presenters Mark Cuban (entrepreneur and noted Trump nemesis) and Broadway star Idina Menzel:

Cuban: “Congratulations on your new album. I know you’ve been looking forward to that for a long time.”

Menzel: “Thank you so much. What are you looking forward to?”

Cuban: “Not being invited to the inauguration is a good start.”

Menzel: “I know how you feel. Us unsafe, scary theater people wouldn’t be invited to the inauguration, either. I love you, ‘Hamilton’!

Pharaoh dropped in a Trump jab while talking about DJ Khaled’s famous Snapchat presence: “He gives his major keys to success and all that. I just can’t wait until he drops the major keys on moving overseas once Trump takes over.”

Read more:

Selena Gomez gets candid at AMAs: ‘I had everything. And I was absolutely broken inside.’

Fake Donald Trump returns to SNL, and the real one is not happy

Pence says he ‘wasn’t offended’ by ‘Hamilton’ as Trump continues to demand apology