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Oxy-Powder Oxy-Powder is the best rated, scientifically formulated, all natural oxygen colon cleanser that is now offered by Infowars Life.
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Oxy-Powder is the best rated, scientifically formulated, all natural oxygen colon cleanser that is now offered by Infowars Life.

Learn About The Astonishing Power of All Natural Oxygen Colon Cleansing With Oxy-Powder® Now Available Through Infowars Life

Oxy-Powder® is the best rated, scientifically formulated, all natural oxygen colon cleanser that is now offered by Infowars Life.

What are the Benefits of Oxy-Powder®?

  • It is the only colon cleansing product with ingredients backed by real clinical studies on safety.
  • Cleanses your colon while you SLEEP - How easy is that!
  • Easy capsules, no horrible tasting concoctions!
  • Does not require time off work or an interruption to your daily schedule.
  • Uses oxygen for gentle and safe cleansing of impurities and toxins

The Creation of Oxy-Powder®

Oxy-Powder® offered by Infowars Life is the result of unparalleled research and development in ozone, superoxide and ozonide technology used to create a powerful oxygen based colon cleanser which slowly releases monatomic oxygen to the intestinal tract and body.  The history of Oxy-Powder® is based on our superoxide/ozonide creation and stabilization process which was invented during Dr. Group's research on the toxification of our bodies. These toxins come from air, food, water, beverages, harmful organisms, stress, radiation and many other potential sources of which many such toxins may end up in the intestinal lining.

This led Dr. Group on a journey to create the most powerful oxygen releasing, toxin neutralizing colon cleansing product on the market. It all started by studying the works of the most famous ozone and reactive oxygen species scientists worldwide dating back to the late 1700's.  With the help of many brilliant scientists and many years of painstaking trial and error, Dr. Group was able to stabilize reactive oxygen species to magnesium compounds, and Oxy-Powder® was born. The name Oxy-Powder® was chosen to describe the process and power of transmuting a preparation of ozone and magnesium oxides into a stabilized oxygen releasing powder to support health and longevity.

Tips From Our Customers for Successful Colon Cleansing

  • Take Oxy-Powder® at least 2 hours away from food or supplements.
  • Take Oxy-Powder® at night before going to bed.
  • Exercise regularly and drink plenty of liquids.
  • Beware! Many herbal colon cleansers contain cheap and potentially dangerous ingredients that are grown in China and India under unknown conditions. Cascara and Senna can cause electrolyte imbalance and potassium loss that disrupt nerve function and cause irregular heart beat. Psyllium may cause GI tract obstruction and even anaphylactic shock! There's no need to use these risky products when Oxy-Powder® is effective, safe, and gentle!
Now, Infowars Life brings you Oxy-Powder® and its years of research at the best prices we have available. As you've experienced with our best selling products such as Survival Shield X-2 and Super Male Vitality, try Oxy-Powder® today and see the difference.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Oxy-Powder® will cause watery, gaseous stools. This is not clinical diarrhea; it's the byproduct of oxidation. The causes of diarrhea are usually temporary problems such as an infection or virus, or chronic problems such as an intestinal disease. Remember Oxy-Powder® is turning solids into a liquid or gas. To assist the cleansing process, it's advised to drink half of your body weight in ounces of purified water daily while taking Oxy-Powder® even though there has never been a documented case of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. To figure out your body weight in ounces, please divide your body weight in half. (For example, if you weigh 140lbs. then you should drink 70 ounces of water.)

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