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Immune Support Blend 100% Organic Coffee
Immune Support Blend 100% Organic Coffee
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Immune Support Blend 100% Organic Coffee Our custom roasted Immune Support Blend whole bean coffee is made from the finest, certified-organic, shade-grown arabica beans.
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Our custom roasted Immune Support Blend whole bean coffee is made from the finest, certified-organic, shade-grown arabica beans.
A message from Alex Jones:

"Hey folks, Alex Jones here and I want to thank you for visiting as well as thank you for all of your support. We simply could not have launched any of our operations without you.

For more than a decade, my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of Southern Mexico, where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique coffee beans. We have now managed to secure these unique beans in my favorite coffee – the new Patriot Blend 100% organic coffee.

The key to why this blend is my favorite is rooted in the way that it has a highly robust and enjoyable taste that at the same time is not too acidic and goes down extremely smooth. And perhaps even more important than the great taste is the fact that when drinking the Patriot Blend coffee, I do not experience the headaches and other and negative effects that are usually associated with caffeinated coffee blends.

This is my favorite coffee, and it has taken years to secure a connection directly to the Chiapas farmers co-op that actually financially aids these indigenous individuals. This coffee is really going beyond Fair Trade in aiding these farmers, and at the same time is 100% certified organic and tastes great. I encourage you to try a cup of the new Patriot Blend 100% organic coffee, as you will be supporting our operation while enjoying a truly great cup of my absolute favorite coffee.

--Alex Jones

Wake Up America!

Our custom roasted Immune Support Blend whole bean coffee is made from the finest, certified-organic, shade-grown arabica beans.  This coffee is then infused with a blend of organic mushroom extracts formulated to boost immune function for a healthy cup gourmet joe!  This proprietary process is a technological breakthrough that allows us to infuse these organic extracts directly into the whole beans without altering the flavor. The final result is a gourmet, organic coffee with no mushroom taste that supports your immune system with every sip. Technology meets tradition with this special blend.

Wake Up America! Immune Support Blend is the healthy choice for the gourmet coffee lover.  These 100% organic, fair trade beans are taken to an extra level by infusing them with organic extracts of Organic Agaricus Blazei, Organic Cordyceps Sinensis, Organic Grifola Frondosa, Organic Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), Organic Coriolus versicolora, Organic Lentinula Edodes
  These particular herbal mushroom extracts have been widely studied and are
celebrated for enhancing immune response and physical stamina.  Our special Immune Support Blend is a great way to enjoy all the the benefits of a fully caffeinated coffee.
  • 100% certified organic & fair trade coffee 
  • 100% Arabica beans - Medium Roast  
  • Infused with a powerful blend of immune supporting mushroom
  • 100% gluten free
Certain strands of mushroom such as Cordyceps and Reishi have a history of medicinal use spanning millennia in countries such as China, Tibet and Japan.  Throughout history these are some of the most expensive herbal raw materials in the world.  Only recently has western medicine begun to research all the potential medical benefits of medicinal mushrooms.   The cutting-edge Wake Up America! Immune Support Blend brings ancient Asian wisdom together with modern technology. 

The spirit of the 1776 revolution is truly alive with this exceptional Wake Up America: Immune Support Blend.  Our founders forged this nation with guts and determination, and it is w
ith that same spirit that Infowars battles for the liberty, honor and freedoms of patriots like you everywhere.  For 18 years, Alex Jones has been fighting to awaken the Sleeping Giant that is free humanity. Now you can get an incredible cup of coffee, support the Infowars and Wake Up America!

Also Available: Check out our regular Patriot Blend Coffee if want 100% organic coffee without the special Immune Support extract infusion. 

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  • 1 pound bag
  • Medium roast
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
  • Whole Bean
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