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Secret 12 - Vitamin B12
Secret 12 - Vitamin B12
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Secret 12 - Vitamin B12
Discover The Benefits of Super Advanced Vitamin B-12 with The Infowars Life Secret 12 Proprietary Formula.
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Discover The Benefits of Super Advanced Vitamin B-12 with The Infowars Life Secret 12 Proprietary Formula.
Discover The Benefits of Super Advanced Vitamin B-12 with The Infowars Life Secret 12 Proprietary Formula
Since its inception, Infowars Life has set about to bring you revolutionary products that are designed to be life changing. During this time we've found that so many 'staple' formulations have not yet been advanced with new leaps in nutraceutical science. We asked, why is everyone else developing processed, synthetic forms of vitamin B-12 that are loaded with fillers?

Low quality B-12 formulations can have serious problems when it comes to their affect on the body, their purity, and of course what's known as their 'bio-active' abilities.

That's why many are having to resort to painful B-12 injections, which require needles and may come with a lot of pain.

What is the Infowars Life Secret 12 B Vitamin Formula?

Although most of us simply know vitamin B-12 as the B vitamin responsible for energy production, it's important to understand that vitamin B-12 is actually a catch-all term for a class of vitamins known as cobalamins -- cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methycobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin -- and they are not equal in their benefits.

Whereas traditional B-12 supplements contain cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalmin, Infowars Life Secret 12 contains methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalmin, specifically chosen from all other forms for their bioactive characteristics.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Infowars Life Secret 12
1.  Encourages Normal Energy Levels
Vitamin B-12 promotes energy production in multiple ways. It helps to support the body's natural processes of the adrenal glands, red blood cell formation, and may help convert carbohydrates to glucose -- the fuel your body uses for energy.

2.  You Want the Purest, Most Advanced B Vitamin Blend
Methylcobalamin, or methylated B-12 is the select coenzyme form of B-12 used in Secret 12, and when paired with adenosylcobalamin, the other coenzyme form of B-12, forms the key blend that makes Secret 12 so special.

3. Help The Body Fight B-12 Deficiency

B-12 deficiency is a serious problem that can cause anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, weight loss, depression, poor memory, asthma, vision problems, and low sperm count.

4. Supports Your Body's Major Processes
As defense against homocysteine, B-12 is nutritional support for numerous essential bodily functions.

5. You Know What You're Getting
As always with Infowars Life, when you try Secret 12, you know you are securing the highest quality formulation that has been created using proprietary technology housed within a GMP certified laboratory inside the United States. And you're supporting an organization that you believe in.
Shocking Facts About Vitamin B-12
  • As many as 30% of adults over 50 are unable to absorb B-12 in food
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia, a fatigue ridden condition where red blood cells don't develop properly and can't carry oxygen efficiently.
  • B-12 deficiency is a serious problem that can cause anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, weight loss, depression, poor memory, asthma, vision problems, and low sperm count.
Why Infowars Life Secret 12 Is Your Best Choice For Vitamin B
  • Contains methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, the bioavailable, coenzyme forms of B-12.
  • The European Food Safety Authority reports that the combination of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin is the best and safest representation of naturally occurring vitamin B-12.
  • Secret 12 B-12 is an easy and delicious liquid formula -- no injections.
  • Made in the USA and according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
Energize Your Mind and Body Today With Infowars Life Secret 12

  • 1 fl oz bottle
  • Item ID: IWL-B12-1
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